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Your ePortfolio Website

Website Design Basics

ePortfolio Visual
Design Basics

Intro content

Working with Laptop

How To:

3x5 Design Method
Computer Screen Closeup

EVERY WIX PAGE should incorporate the 3X5 method.

  • 3 Images

    • related to the information on the page​

    • create internal redundancy by adding a caption about the image and how it relates to the text.

  • 3 Hyperlinks 

    • within the essay/narrative

      • not just Works Cited links

  • 3 Moments with Orienting Information 

    • Information that clarifies context like who, what, where, when, and why.

    • These include a clear title

      • name the Genre in the title

    • last date updated

    • brief overview or abstract


  • 3 Paragraph Design Choices that Enhance Readability 

    • double space between paragraphs

    • readable font choice

      • not all caps, not script or comic styles

    • a background that makes it easy to read 

      • avoid using a moving background behind the text or background colors that bleed into the color of the font


Build Better Webpages:
Eye Track
  • The way your audiences' eyes move across the screen is called eyetrack.

  • Knowing more about eyetrack will help you build better webpages.

Organized Files

A Quick Note:

Internal Redundancy
Internal Redundancy is EVERYWHERE
  • Internal redundancy helps readers contextualize what they're reading.

  • Internal redundancy can be achieved with:

    • images​

    • captions

    • charts

    • +MORE

​The same info can appear more than once on your website.

This strategy is called internal redundancy and is common in business and professional writing, particularly with charts: both a chart + commentary on what the chart has to say are included on a document. 


For example, on YOUR W231 Micro-ePortfolio HOME PAGE, a solid overview of the Recommendation Report on your HOME page can be copied/pasted at the top of your Analysis TAB. The overview is ORIENTING/ CONTEXTUALIZING information that qualifies toward your three items of orienting information--data that helps your reader know what is on the page BEFORE they start reading the documentary review.


Simple Design Tips
Computer Screen Closeup

Title, Abstract, & Callout Sentence 

Every page should have a clear title that tells the reader the GENRE, like "Executive Summary" and SCOPE "Raising Search Engine Result Page Results Using Search Engine Optimization Strategies".

Then, include an ABSTRACT near the top of every page. Be consistent with where you place these in on each page/ or section. They help the reader know what content is on the page/ or in the section. These help guide the reader. They signal for the reader what to anticipate. This is also a great place to signal major points that you want to emphasize for the reader.

In addition to your clear/specific titles and helpful abstract, within the text, have CALLOUT SENTENCES (some people refer to these as PULL OUT QUOTES). Use these to re-emphasize great statistics, quotes, and other critical materials that you want the client to notice.

  • In-Paragraph Callout:

    • Make the sentence bold and in a larger font within the paragraph


  • In-Line Callout:

    • Copy/Paste the sentence above the paragraph with the quote


  • Side Callout:

    • Place the Callout beside the quote 

Placing Callouts:

Clear Title

Abstract= Overview

Callout Sentence

Organized Files

Helpful Links:

Tools, & Examples
Eye Track

The way your audiences' eyes move across the screen is called eyetrack. Knowing more about eyetrack will help you build better webpages.

Design Your Home Page

Learn how to design the Home Page of your ePortfolio.

Sample Reports

Link to sample report page if relevant

Next Page Title

About next page

Business People
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