Team Recommendation Report
Home Page: Adjusting Tone
Home Page:
Adjusting Tone
In addition to a clear, detailed title the HOME PAGE should state who the report is PREPARED FOR.
This might be your client, or it might be for the Board of Directors your client works for.
Clarify who you wrote the report for on the HOME PAGE.
A Quick Note About:
Adjusting your tone to fit your audience.
Your audience choice will influence word choices.
Additionally, this will influence the ways you comment on your client within the report. If you are writing to the client specifically and you want to mention the team-client interview, you might write:
"When we met you at the Wisdom Tooth Box Office on September 23, you mentioned that attracting millennials is your number one concern."
If you are writing for your client's boss or the board, you would be more formal when commenting on the interview:
"When we met with Callie Burk, Marketing Director at Wisdom Tooth, she clarified that the theatre wanted to explore innovative ways to attract millennial audiences."
More on "Prepared By"
Include PREPARED BY, affiliation and the DATE on your home page
Make sure PREPARED BY hyperlinks to your TEAM BIO page
Prepared by should include your team members' in alphabetical order by last name
this area can also clarify your affiliation--Fall 2019 IUPUI Business and Professional Writing Skills [W231] Student Writing Consultants or some variation of that.