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ePortfolios by Previous
W231 Students

Spring 2019, adventurous W231 students helped pilot  micro-ePortfolios for their W231 Recommendation Reports.

There were strong ePortfolios from the Spring 2019 pilot sections. All had unique strengths. You can look at the samples below to see how other W231 students narrowed their focus, completed their research, and designed their Recommendation Report website. These give you some ideas of your range of creative options.

IU School of Medicine.png

IU School of Medicine ePortfolio

Past Student ePortfolios

Interested in Seeing
More ePortfolios?

The Institute for Engaged Learning has highlighted creative, well-researched, and community-centered student ePortfolios over the years.

Take a look at past projects:

2020 IEL Showcase
2022 IEL Showcase
2021 IEL Showcase
Future IEL Showcases

Want to be in the next IEL Showcase? 

Want to become a client and work with a W231 research team?

College Students

Starting Your ePortfolio

Feeling inspired? Ready to work on your Team Recommendation Report and ePortfolio?
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