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Your ePortfolio Website

Organizing an ePortfolio

Organizing Your
Team's Webpages

Most teams organize their ePortfolios in one of two ways:

  • Organized using TABS [like this website]

  • Organized using ANCHORS


W231 Recommendation Report websites are project-based ePortfolios. Your Team-Project ePortfolio can include an about the team page, early team memos, the annotated bibliography, a Review of Literature, an about W231, and more, along with the formal Recommendation Report and Appendices. 

Web Design
Pile of Newspapers

A Quick Note About:


Tabs VERSUS Anchors

There are many ways to organize websites. For the W231 Team Recommendation Reports, we will look at two possibilities: tab-oriented and anchor-oriented.

  • TAB ORIENTED websites rely on tabs and sub-tabs at the top of the page to help visitors navigate the website.

    • This website is tab oriented.

  • ANCHOR ORIENTED websites blend tabs with page anchors. Team Back on My Feet used anchors for the report portion of their W231 project website:


The organization of your project website will reinforce and clarify important ideas through tabs, sub-tabs, and possibly anchors.

Add Tabs & Anchors:
WIX & Google Sites

How To:

Use Tabs & Sub-tabs
Computer Screen Closeup

Tabs and Sub-tabs

Try This Out:
  1. Hover over the Recommendation Report tab at the top of the page.

  2. A drop-down with sub-tabs appears.

  3. Readers can click on any section of the recommendation report.

The tabs at the top of the page help your

website visitors quickly access information.


Tab names should be:

  • Short

    • one or two words when possible.

  • Clear and specific tab names

    • engage readers and help them find what they are looking for.


A sub-tab appears beneath a tab when the cursor hovers over a tab. 

Pile of Newspapers

How To:

Use Anchors

Anchors allow readers to jump around on a long page.

Anchors are sometimes used in longer documents that appear on a single webpage. Because there are not chapters, page numbers, or other dividers to help readers explore long articles or reports that stream down a web page, designers can insert anchors that allow readers to skip around from section to section. Users click on an anchor and jump to a specific area on a single webpage.​


Your team should discuss the benefits of anchors, then decide what works best with the WIX template you've chosen. Some templates are not tab friendly and work more like extended blogs; with these longer pages, anchors are a necessity. For teams that use the Interior Design/ Demi sample we built in class to get to know basic WIX tools, tabs work just fine without anchors. Still, if a section is too long to easily navigate. anchors are a smart way to help the reader navigate key sections.

See it in ACTION:
  • Rebecca Johnson (F'2019, Team Back on My Feet) created a website tutorial on inserting anchors into WIX pages.

Visual Aids

Learn why they're needed and
how to cite them.
Business People
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