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Team Recommendation Report

Relevant Information

Appendix Moments: Sharing Relevant Materials
Sections below need bolded and highlighted as needed

An Appendix is a wonderful way to share in-depth material that does not fit concisely into the Analysis section of your team recommendation report. This information might be how-to oriented, or it can be data oriented.


There are not specific requirements for Appendix materials in W231.

It is important that you use the Appendices as more than a digital file cabinet.
Be sure that you take a paragraph or more to introduce materials included in an Appendix,
how the materials relate to the project, and what the client will learn more about as she reads the Appendix.

Working with Laptop
Pile of Newspapers

A Quick Note About:

Sections in an Appendix

HOW TO Sections in an Appendix

If your team is suggesting that FaceBook privacy setting be changed, the Analysis is where you share evidence that this is a good idea by citing other FB users and best practices. However, the Analysis is not the ideal place or "How To" comments. Practical implementation, step-by-step, and how to directions fit well into an Appendix.
From your Creekside Recommendation Report sample, you can see that students created Appendix sections to help the client know step-by-step how to update FaceBook settings. 

Working with Laptop
Pile of Newspapers

A Quick Note About:

What to include in the Appendix

DATA Sections in an Appendix

You might have very detailed data that would be great for your client to know, but that isn't concise. Share the moste important data points in the Analysis, then share the rest of the details in an Appendix.

It is important that you use the Appendices as more than a digital file cabinet.

There are not specific requirements for Appendix materials in W231.

You can use an Appendix to Share ALL Supporting Documents

  • Be sure that you take a paragraph or more to introduce materials included in an Appendix, how the materials relate to the project, and what the client will learn more about as she reads the Appendix.

TRANSPARENCY in an Appendix: 

The team can opt to share supporting documents that you've generated as part of the Recommendation Report experience. Things every team creates that you might include are:

     >>The Visual Pitch to the Class from WP1
      >>Thank you email sent to the client after the meeting
      >>The Team Formation Memo
      >>The Team Annotated Bibliography
      >>Transmittal Email


Things you'd need to read/edit for a general audience: Client/Team Meeting Notes, Team meeting notes, etc.

For students in major like Informatics, Business, and Engineering, this documents your ability to maintain weekly meeting notes and supporting documents as a way to track/verify a longer project.


About the Team
& W231

See how to introduce your members, include photos, and comment on which sections each team member helped develop.

Business People
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