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Transmittal Email

Transmittal Email

The transmittal is not part of your report or your website. The transmittal email is the way you send the report URL to the client. Please do not include the transmittal email in your website/ePortfolio of the recommendation report.

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Pile of Newspapers

A Quick Note About:

Your Email & Boiler Plating

Your team will send a transmittal email to your client

For our section of W231, your team will send a transmittal email to your client. The transmittal will include a hyperlink to the team ePortfolio of the Recommendation Report.​


Most professional reports will be proceeded by a transmittal letter or email. In print, the transmittal is separate from the report and on top of it. For a transmittal email, you can embed the report document as an attachment or URL within the transmittal. The transmittal is a formality that:

  • Verifies what the document is

  • Tells why you're sending it

  • Provides a contact person for follow-up

  • Closes with gratitude and a forward-looking comment

Transmittal correspondences work differently in different fields. In some cases, if you sign the transmittal, you are legally responsible for the accuracy of the information in the report. Do not sign a transmittal lightly--you could be the one in court defending the report findings if there is a lawsuit.

Boiler Plating
  • Boiler plating is copying then editing a document to make it your own.

  • If you do not have permission to boilerplate, it is plagiarism.

  • However, among lawyers practicing at the same firm and professionals working for the same company, boiler plating is common.


Back On My Feet

Transmittal Email to Boiler Plate

NOTE: Email addresses were changed in this example to protect our W231 alumni and client from spam bots.

TO: Client's Email Address

CC [Carbon Copy]: Email Address of each team member +


Recommendation Report For Back On My Feet on Volunteer Retention and Marketing Strategies is Live, Link Provided


Dear Trena Routhgardner:


Our IUPUI W231 team of student writing consultants met with you on October 10th from 4-6pm to discuss a specific challenge Back on My Feet faced attracting and keeping volunteers. During our meeting you requested that our report  focus on volunteer retention and marketing strategies. 


We used IUPUI databases and Google Scholars to conduct our research. We also distributed an online survey using Qualtrics where we asked students their opinion on volunteering specifically for non-profit organizations.


You can access the Recommendation Report website by visiting:

Please use the web browser Chrome to optimize your navigation of the Back on My Feet Recommendation Report.


Each of your W231 student writing consultants has their own areas of focus for this project and would be happy to answer any questions that may arise. Please feel free to contact us at the following: 

  • Hope Huss ( Creation of Using Social Media For Consumer Donations and Local Study

  • Rebekah Johnson ( Creation of Volunteer Management, Executive Summary, and Methodology 

  • Kao Sajan ( Creation of Volunteer Retention Through Job Satisfaction, Volunteer through Incentives, and Analysis

  • Devon Taylor ( Creation of Volunteer Retention Through Job Satisfaction, and Review of Literature


We wanted to thank you for partnering with us, and we look forward to working with you again in the future.



Hope Huss, Rebekah Johnson, Kao Sajan, and Devon Taylor

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