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Team Recommendation Report

Review of Literature

Writing the Review of Literature.
Sections below need bolded and highlighted as needed

A Review of Literature is an academic genre that is not commonly used in business writing. However, because annotated bibliographies and reviews of literature are used in upper division and graduate-level college courses at many universities, we explore both of these genres as part of W231 in the Recommendation Report project. 

Working with Laptop
Pile of Newspapers

A Quick Note About:

Writing the Review of Lit.

How the Review of Literature relates to the Annotated Bibliography.

Ideally, the sources and abstracts you include in your annotated bibliography provide a solid foundation for the multiple source synthesis paragraphs you will compose for the team's Review of Literature.

The Review of Literature [ROL] is not argumentative nor persuasive; it simply synthesizes information about best practices and industry trends. The Review of Literature is where you verify that your research includes experts in the filed and top publications. In contrast, the Analysis section of your report is both argumentative and persuasive. Information you find for the ROL can be re-framed using business writing strategies to support the persuasive nature of your Analysis.

The Review of Literature verifies that the report is more than a groups of students making conjectures and spitballing ideas; the ROL verifies that every one of the team's recommendations are solidly founded on practical evidence.

Organizing the ROL:

  • Introduction

  • Informative Paragraphs

  • Closing Sentence

Add extra information

  • information

Introduction, Informative Paragraphs,
& Closing Sentence

The Review of Literature has a brief introduction which provides a map of what big ideas the team included. Items should appear in this map in the order they are presented in the ROL. Then, within the body of the ROL, there will be detailed headings along with synthesized paragraphs that have data-packed sentences from top experts about industry trends and best practices.


The ROL concludes with a sentence that restates context and purpose: The materials shared in the ROL helped shape and inform our research choices and recommendations for --name client--.  The conclusion basically says this is the end of the ROL.


The Review of Literature showcases the research we conducted and synthesizes best practices and expert commentary to build a cache of important findings on -----scope of team project. Our Review of Literature content covers: list big ideas from the headlines in the ROL in a series.

[This “content covers” area provides a quick guide or map of what’s in the ROL]
THERE IS NO ONE, RIGHT WAY to introduce your team's Review of Literature. However, the introduction should briefly establish
context and purpose then provide an
overview of the content covered
in the ROL.
Sample Reports

You can access other teams' ROLs in samples. Some teams might have overlooked the introduction or concluding sentence. Be sure that your team does include both parts.


Back on My Feet


Notice that the team listed the key points included in the ROL as listed in this introduction.

NOTES ON Back on My Feet's ROL

In addition to the research included in our analysis and recommendations, there is various research that includes expert's opinions and commentary on volunteer retention, incentives, job satisfaction, and marketing strategies. Below is a section that offers more data and information that correlates to the recommendations listed above for Back On My Feet.

Student Example


Fishers Test Kitchen


In this instance, the team opened with the big ideas, then comment on the ROL.

NOTES ON Fishers Test Kitchen's ROL

During the process of investigating best practices for social media marketing, the target demographic for Fishers Test Kitchen, and customer retention practices for restaurant and bar venues, a significant amount of the information and data we discovered showed noteworthy correlations that support our recommendations. This section of the recommendation report shows several of the supporting expert conclusions that led to our recommendations for Fishers Test Kitchen.


See how to properly cite all relevant information throughout your recommendation report.

Business People
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