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Team Memo & Transmital Email

Partnering with a local client

Each semester students find and partner with local clients as the precursor to the Recommendation Report project. Students write three correspondences to their local client, find out what project the client wants a team to explore, then build a 90 second elevator pitch to convince the class to vote for their client and proposal. The class votes to decide which four projects move on to the ten week project.

Sophie Carrison W231

Are you writing your first professional correspondence?

Former student Sophie Carrison's (Spring 2020) has shared her professional writing project and correspondences.

More on Professional Correspondence

Team Memo

Find out what to include in your team memo.

Transmittal Email

Demonstrate professionalism in your first client email.

Quick Links: WP1

Previous W231 Student, Sophie, shares her:

Quick Links: WP2

Previous W231 Student, Sophie, shares her contributions to Recomendation Report and reflects on Writing Project 2.

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