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Team Recommendation Report

Home Page: Design a Home Page

Home Page: Design

The HOME PAGE should be visually appealing and will often incorporate your client's corporate colors and logo. You can also use photos from your client's website to help create a uniform look. The IU Theatre example does a nice job including photos and colors from the client's web pages.


Pile of Newspapers

A Quick Note About:

Citing images found online.

Be sure to cite borrowed visuals in your report.

Just like other borrowed images, your team should CITE the borrowed information in your References and using APA format in the document. A hyperlink from the borrowed visuals to the client pages is an additional way to pay attribution to the original source of the materials.

If you used special software or a design program, like Dolphin, you should also include a line on the webpage saying how the report was created: Designed using Dolphin. If you're using WIX or Google Sites, they put their name on every page, so you don't need to duplicate that information.

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