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Team Recommendation Report

Home Page: Choosing a Title

Home Page:
Choosing a Title

Typically, HOME will include a: Title [which includes genre & scope], brief description of the project, prepared for, prepared by, W231 context, and date.


The cover will prominently feature the title of the report. The report title will comment specifically on the scope of the project as well as commenting on the genre.​

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A Quick Note About:

Titles in College Writing

Every TITLE should be clear, detailed, and specific to YOUR project.

Typically, this will include genre and description.

The genre might be an argument, study, analysis, or lab report. In addition the genre, college project titles will often contain the name of an expert, major figure, or title of an article you're analyzing, like "Analysis of Jeffrey Sachs' The End of Poverty".

Yes: that means college paper titles are usually long--much like the titles you see in academic databases like EBSCO Host or ProQuest.

BUSINESS WRITING IS SIMILAR: Your team needs a specific title. If it isn't unique to what you're writing, change it. The title should not be the sort of thing that could go on top of another team's report.

For your team report in W231, "Recommendation Report" is a poorly developed title. It does verify genre, but it does not comment on what is in the recommendation report, the scope, or who it is for.


An example of a stronger title is:

"Attracting Millennials to Wisdom Tooth Theatre:

A Recommendation Report."

Past Student Examples:
Possible Titles
  • Ways Wisdom Tooth Can Attract Millennial Audiences: A Recommendation Report

  • Recommendation Report: Attracting Millennial Audiences to Wisdom Tooth Theatre

  • Wisdom Tooth Theatre Project: Recommendations For Cultivating A Millennial Audience Base

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Find out how your audience choice will influence word choices.
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