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During the semester, you will compose two analysis papers for our literature course. In this area on your Engineering TLC ePortfolio, please copy/paste your analysis papers. Remove MLA formatting. Then, add hyperlinks, photos, and videos you want to share that relate to your paper. These can include biographical links related to the author, videos of the author reading, photos of you with an author (or of an author reading at IUPUI), hyperlinks to other literary criticism, links to historic sites--anything you feel comments on the scope of your project.


The intention is to take learning off-the-page for your readers. Move them beyond the stark, double-spaced pages of academic writing to the world of reading and research that informed your comments. In addition, you can link to your research, favorite videos, and author pages.



These ePortfolio pages are yours to make alive with the world of the author, the story, and your ideas.


Be sure to include a brief introduction at the top of the page that tells your website visitor a little about the analysis paper and WHAT the analysis paper helped you better understand about the author and/or literary work.


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