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This is the 


landing page

The REFLECTIONS landing area is a map to the drop-down options in this section of the ePortfolio.
Be sure to identify dropdown options and content for readers who visit this section.
You can use this area to share photos, Canvas activities, and other work you feel is representative of your TLC experience.
This is a space to CONNECT ideas from across all of your classes, even those not in the TLC. How did something you learned in Chemistry connect to your learning about diversity? When did a discussion in Psychology make you think about empathy and your TCM class visitor? Be sure to comment on learning beyond the classroom including how your experiences off campus connect to and inform what you're learning.
Photos, videos, Canvas Discussions, and other materials can combine and mingle on these pages to shape and inform your reflections.
TLC photo in Cori's class.jpg

2018 TCM Students: In class activity

Jal Mahal
Twisted Red Tile Roof
Twisted Red Tile Roof
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