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5 Photo Reading Blogs


The photo reading blog is a space to share pictures of you as you are reading for our literature class during the semester. In addition to uploading a photo, you'll tell us what you were reading along with a short quote you liked. You'll also identify the setting and any other characters who appear in the image with you. Finally, you'll comment on how the space contributed to your reading experience or possibly distracted you from reading. Thinking about the spaces where you read can help you reflect on the environment, how it influences your reading experiences and your motivations for reading in a particular space.


You can take this to the next level by thinking about place and experience.

How might reading in a variety of spaces impact the way you remember what you're reading differently than sitting in the same space each time you read? Thinking about how you recall material you read is one way to be intentional about when and where you choose to read as well as what you read and why you make those choices. 


The other purpose of the reading blogs is to create 5 memories of your reading this semester.  You'll read over fifteen different authors across multiple genres. In addition to Canvas discussions, class discussions, and essays, this is another space to document that journey.

September 16, 2018
Reading Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five: The Children's Crusade
Parts 1-4
In this photo, I'm reading in my living room at home. My husband and youngest son were out at a concert. My oldest son was mowing. This gave me a quiet time and space to read about the horrors of Billy Pilgrim's experiences as a soldier at the Battle of the Bulge, then getting captured by Jerry. Having a quiet place to read helps me stay focused. I also read with a pen in hand to make marginal notes. The ink in my pen died out. "So it goes." 
Deb reading Vonnegut.jpg
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