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This website provides ideas, tips, and examples
for your IUPUI W131/140
Reading, Writing, and Inquiry Course.
You will create your own ePortfolio to share your W131/140 experiences and projects with friends, family, and
people who share your interests.
Your ePortfolio will include drafts and revisions of your projects. This is a "create your own adventure" course where you select a topic that interests you, then explore that topic across three writing genres through twelve weeks of the semester.
You'll write a film review, feature-style narrative, and formal argument along with short responses and structured reflections.
THE INTRODUCTION to YOUR ePORTFOLIO might read something like:
Welcome to my ePortfolio


This website is a collection of essays and writing projects from a first year seminar course at IUPUI. The writing focuses on my immersion experience at a Shiva where I learned about mourning in Jewish culture. 

This Website includes multiple drafts and formal revisions for a documentary film review, feature style narrative about the Shiva, commentary on web design,

and reflections on my writing and growth.


WE'LL USE THIS WIX during class to toy with design features




These students agreed for their websites to be shared for

educational purposes with future students.

Emma: Shadowing a Veteran Beekeeper

[OVERALL IMPRESSIVE Semester Project Development]

Valerie: Building a Business 

[STUNNING Design Choices]

Chesney: Attending an AA Meeting

[Award Winning Feature Narrative]

Ella: First Project Idea Didn't Work/ Had to Adapt and Pivot

[SUPERIOR Design Choices and Project Development]

-----------------------OTHER FEATURE ePORTFOLIOS--------------------

Allison: Visiting a Temple [Clear Narrative for Immersion Experience]

Andy: Touring Film Museum [Excellent Argument]

Elicia: [Unique Design for WIX HOME Page] Rock Climbing

Gabby: Going Vegan [Well Organized WIX Design]

Jill: Touring a Haunted House [Rich Descriptions]

Michael: Running a 5K [Solid Pacing]

Your ePortfolio HOME page should include DESCRIPTIONS and HYPERLINKS to your Writing Projects
Documentary Film Review


Details about your film review including the documentary title, director, year, and an overview of the actual film review. ADD A HYPERLINK to your Film Review Tab HERE TOO. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place to elaborate.

BE SURE TO CHANGE IMAGES from the WIX Template to fit your ePortfolio.

USE IMAGES you take on your cell/camera WHEN POSSIBLE.

Jewish Man in Synagogue
Feature Style Narrative Article


Provide details about your immersion experience including the what you did, the date/s + year, and an overview of the actual narrative. ADD A HYPERLINK to your Feature Tab HERE TOO. Add your own text and edit all of the sample text on your template.


ePortfolio VISUAL DESIGN BASICS: 3 by 5

EVERY WIX PAGE should incorporate the 3X3X3X3X3 Concept

      • 3 Images

      • 3 Hyperlinks (within the essay/narrative--AND-- Works Cited links)

      • 3 Pull-Out-Quotes

      • 3 Moments with Orienting Information (Information that clarifies context like who, what, where, when, and why) These include a clear title [name the Genre in the title], last date updated, brief overview or abstract, the author's name [you], AND a Works Cited for the sources you use.

      • 3 Paragraph Design Choices that Enhance Readability

        • You'll double space between paragraphs, select readable fonts (not all caps, not script or comic styles), choose background that make it easy to read (avoid moving background behind the text or background colors that bleed into the color of the font)


    • INTERNAL REDUNDANCY: Information at the paragraph level will often open by repeating what is in a bold heading, like reiterating the benefits of internal redundancy. The same info can appear more than once on your website. This strategy is called internal redundancy and is common in business and professional writing, particularly with charts: both a chart + commentary on what the chart has to say are included on a document. 


    • For example on YOUR W131 WIX, you'll include a well-developed overview of the DOCUMENTARY FILM REVIEW on your HOME page. This overview can be copied/pasted at the top of your WRITING PROJECT 1 page too. The overview is ORIENTING/ CONTEXTUALIZING information that qualifies toward your three items of orienting information.


    • When we talk about orienting information, we mean data that helps your reader know what is on the page BEFORE they start reading and that helps them navigate from one part of the ePortfolio to another.

Website Mockup
Formal Argument
Provide an overview of your argument and hyperlink to the page that houses your argument drafts.
During Covid Semesters:
Website Built as a Multi-Modal Discourse Project


Provide details about your web design choices including the what strategies you used and why you made the design choices you did. You should also add the name of the template you selected on WIX and why this template worked best for your choices.  ADD A HYPERLINK to your Website Tab.

London Reflections
Reflections on Writing Strategies and My Progress as a Reader, Researcher, Writer, Peer Reviewer, and
Web Designer


Provide details about your reflections including the which reflections you opted to share [WP1? WP2? and the FORMAL W131 Reflection. ADD A HYPERLINK to each of your Tabs and/or SubTabs HERE TOO.. Click here to add your own text and edit me. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you.

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